Shot officers suing ATF for records in federal court

Shot officers suing ATF for records in federal court

Citing the federal Freedom of Information Act, four Drug Task Force officers shot while serving warrants at the Greenland home of Cullen Mutrie have filed a federal lawsuit against the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms for unredacted records pertaining to the April 12, 2012 shootings.


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Belding (MI) citizens again voice displeasure of city council, city manager

Serving as a continuation from the most recent Belding City Council meeting on March 18, residents again voiced their concerns and disappointment Tuesday evening with respect to members of the council and City Manager Meg Mullendore.

The meeting followed a similar theme of two weeks ago, fueled by disgruntled citizens who again addressed their concerns during the meeting’s public comment period, which lasted nearly 35 minutes.


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Judicial Watch sues Treasury Department for records about unlawful, unilateral delay of “employer mandate”

Judicial Watch announced today that on March 24, 2014, it filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the U.S. Department of the Treasury seeking agency records related to the delay of the "employer mandate" provisions of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (also known as "Obamacare"). Treasury has failed to respond to the FOIA request filed on October 28, 2013.


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Air Force appears to be screwing over journos in FOIA requests

The U.S. Air Force conceivably has no idea that some journalists actually are journalists. At least when it comes to FOIA requests from news organizations such as the AP, ABC, CBS, NBC, LAT, NYT, Chicago Tribune and a ton more.

MuckRock, which tracks public records requests, has the report on the list of people and news organizations released by the Air Force that it has classified as “commercial” as it relates to FOIA requests.


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Watchdog group wins FOIA victory in search for Tom DeLay files

A watchdog group may be a step closer to obtaining Justice Department files concerning former House Majority Whip Tom DeLay, following a Freedom of Information Act victory in federal court.

In a 31-page decision Tuesday, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit sided with Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington. The Justice Department cannot simply categorically reject CREW’s FOIA request, according to the court.


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San Diego County’s System For Tracking Campaign Donations Called Outdated

Imagine this. You’re running for sheriff of San Diego County, a place that includes more than 3 million people. You collect money from donors and you spend money on yard signs, polls and campaign consultants.

How you collect and spend your money must be publicly accounted for. So, you take your stacks of paper records — perhaps more than a hundred pages in a single report — to the Registrar of Voters Office and hand them over.

What year is this? 2014.


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Outrage as V.A. hides names of hospitals where vets died from delays

The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) blocked the release of the names of hospitals where 19 veterans died because of delays in medical screenings, leading to calls for transparency from news outlets and a bipartisan group of Capitol Hill lawmakers.

Earlier this month, the VA denied a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request from Tampa Tribune reporter Howard Altman, who had been investigating the deaths.


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Need to know vs Right to know

THE FREEDOM of Information bill recently passed the Senate on Third Reading and moved on to the House of Representatives for concurrence. This early, I want to put the bill to a test, just to know in some detail what the advocates have been giving all-out support to.

I would like to use for this purpose an online piece written several months back by the eminent Constitutionalist Fr. Joaquin Bernas S. J. on precisely the same topic.


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Our government is always hiding something: Column

The Obama administration has used the Freedom of Information Act to increase rather than decrease government secrecy. In 2013, it increased use of exemptions to bar release of requested files by 22% over the previous year, according an analysis by the Associated Press. The government fully denied or redacted large portions of files in 36% of the 704,394 requests submitted


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