If DHS Boss Has A Staffer Write Her Emails… Does It Count As Her Email Under A FOIA Request?

In 2012, we pointed out how ridiculous it was that then Homeland Security boss Janet Napolitano, who self-described herself as a Luddite, admitted that she didn’t use email at all. This seemed troubling, given that DHS was ostensibly in charge of cybersecurity, and you’d hope that the boss would understand the basics of email. Of course, she later admitted to the real reason why she didn’t use email: it created a paper-trail that would make her too accountable….


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Editorial: Government Transparency Act: Its time has come

Before heading back to Raleigh for the short session, lawmakers predicted the legislature would devote its time this year to The Three E’s – education, environment, economy.

We’d like to add another “E” to the list – employees, as in government employees.

North Carolina falls short on legislation related to workers employed by you, the public. Lawmakers could remedy the situation by passing The Government Transparency Act.


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Weekly E-Book: Open Government

In 2008, Barack Obama released his “Memorandum on Transparency and Open Government,” which pledged the following:

My Administration is committed to creating an unprecedented level of openness in Government. We will work together to ensure the public trust and establish a system of transparency, public participation, and collaboration. Openness will strengthen our democracy and promote efficiency and effectiveness in Government.


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Cherokee Chief Calls For Strengthening Tribe’s FOIA

Cherokee Nation Principal Chief Bill John Baker opened the monthly Tribal Council meeting last week with a call for more transparency in government and strengthening of the tribe’s Freedom of Information Act, according to a tribe news release.

A Tribal Council work group will review potential changes to the law, then share its findings at the council’s Rules Committee meeting on May 28.


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Open source code helps governments share information with citizens

Before open data, there was FOIA. Beginning in 1967, the federal Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) empowered the public to request access to government documents. Unfortunately, some branches of government quickly began to push back, and within the decade the infamous phrase "can neither confirm nor deny" had been devised to avoid releasing information.


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Pentagon Refusing to Release Data on Comprehensive Subcontracting Plan Test Program

The Pentagon is refusing to comply with Freedom of Information Act requests for specific data on the volume of subcontracts awarded by any of the nation's twelve largest defense contractors participating in the 25-year-old Comprehensive Subcontracting Plan Test Program.


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Porn threatens network security of public institutions

One inquisitive General Services Administration employee has threatened the US agency's security by his/her rather enthusiastic pornography consumption in the workplace. According to records obtained through the Freedom of Information Act, said employee would access pornographic content and dating sites for two hours a day, resulting in a phishing attack on GSA email accounts.


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