GUEST VIEW: Open government essential to a democracy

Defending the U.S. Constitution is popular these days, when it centers on gun rights, states’ rights or search and seizure protections.

As we guard the principles of our nation’s founders, let’s not overlook the all-important First Amendment of the Constitution and its guarantee of free speech and free press, which, along with public access to government information, are crucial to our democracy.


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Why does the University of Michigan insist on secrecy? (guest column)

Michigan’s Freedom of Information Act guarantees “all persons, except those persons incarcerated in state or local correctional facilities … full and complete information regarding the affairs of government and the official acts of those who represent them as public officials and public employees.”

But the way the University of Michigan handles requests for such information flies in the face of this spirit of transparency and erects nearly impenetrable roadblocks for investigative journalists and concerned citizens alike.


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Beheading videos: Freedom of the press vs media blackout requests

A second horrifying video has been released of a beheading of an American journalist. The disturbing yet professionally produced video will provide additional clues for experts to use to gain information about the executioner now being called “Jihadi John” and his whereabouts.

At the end of the video, the terrorists revealed a British citizen on his knees and wearing an orange jumpsuit, raising concerns he will be the next victim of the extremists. The name of this man is not being revealed at the request of the captive’s family


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R.I. AG says town violated public records access law

Rhode Island Attorney General Peter Kilmartin filed a lawsuit on Thursday against the town of Warren for allegedly violating the Rhode Island Access to Public Records Act (APRA).

Joelle Sylvia Esq., an attorney with the law firm Kelly & Mancini, made an APRA request on March 11 to the town of Warren seeking various documents. The town initially extended the time to respond to the request, but it allegedly failed to provide a response and/or the documents that were requested.


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Your Right to Know: Disciplined workers should be named

When state employees misbehave, does the public have a right to know who they are? Two state agencies are answering that question in different ways.

Both the state Department of Justice and Department of Natural Resources have in the recent past blacked out the names of state workers from records of disciplinary actions released to the media. The agencies claimed the public interest was “sufficiently served” by releasing these redacted records.


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Addressing cost and privacy issues with open data in government

No doubt the government’s push for more open data could drive innovation in private sector organisations, but it doesn’t come without its challenges. At the Australia 3.0 forum in Melbourne last week, a mixed group of IT professionals, government officials and heads of private companies came together to discuss how to address the main barriers preventing agencies and departments releasing more data to the public.


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