County Prosecutor Looking To Arrest Housing Official After Agency Demands $16,000 To Fulfill FOIA Request

This may be about 60% stunt and 40% forceful nudge, but I'm still behind it 100%. For far too long, public officials have treated Freedom of Information laws as an annoyance… at best. In many cases, information designated as eligible for freedom has to be pried out of officials' hands using lawsuits, needlessly-protracted appeals processes or crowd-sourced tenacity.


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Tenacious G

San Diego's top attorney continues his mission to discredit the authenticity of advocacy group San Diegans for Open Government. Last week, the city attorney's office issued a handful of subpoenas to several group members, ostensibly to poke holes in the nonprofit and thus gain an advantage in their lawsuit that challenges Business Improvement Districts.


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Coalition to honor Washington State Sen. Fain

The Washington Coalition for Open Government will present its 2014 Ballard/Thompson Award to Senate Majority Floor Leader Joe Fain (R-Auburn, 47th District) on Jan. 26 in Olympia.

The award honors a state legislator who demonstrated outstanding dedication to the cause of open government during the previous legislative session.


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Bob Horton: Do the people’s business in front of the people

After most municipal elections, newly elected officials and returning incumbents are invited to a forum at Town Hall about public meeting protocol and the Freedom of Information Act.

And while it is often said that showing up is half the job, in this instance, it is the wrong half. Next year they should listen carefully, ask some questions, maybe even be required to take some notes and pass a short quiz afterward, because the lessons never seem to stick.


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Transparency a priority for northern Beaufort County political newcomers

Voters in northern Beaufort County turned two incumbents out of local office on Election Day and replaced them with political newcomers — an unquestionable sign of discontent with business as usual.

Whether the electorate was specifically distressed about open government and adherence to the state's Freedom of Information Act is less clear. Certainly, however, the winning candidates made these issues part of their platforms.


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