Responding to reports that the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is seeking to adopt a new email retention policy that would allow the agency to purge thousands of emails from nearly all of its employees, Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) and Senator John Cornyn (R-Texas) are urging the archivist of the United States to reject the proposal that undermines oversight of the agency.



Ann Arbor City Council to address FOIA revisions

At its regularly scheduled Monday meeting, the Ann Arbor City Council will consider resolutions regarding city liquor licenses, extensions of wastewater contracts with Scio Township and updates to the city’s document policies under Freedom of Information laws.

Approval of liquor license for Miya restaurant

The Council will hear a resolution requesting the approval of a liquor license for Miya, a Japanese restaurant located at 715 N. University Ave., formerly the site of Sushi.com.


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Last Minute Rush To Change Freedom Of Information Act

Illinois residents could have a harder time accessing government information under new legislation before the General Assembly. 

The plan, SB2799, makes it harder for people to get repaid legal costs when a government wrongfully denies access to public documents.

At the same time, it makes it easier for governments to keep certain information off-limits. Continue>>> 



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EDITORIAL: Sunshine finally might be in the 2015 forecast

The first regular session of the 121st South Carolina General Assembly is scheduled for Jan. 13, 2015. That’s a Tuesday. It’s a little more than six weeks away, or 44 days.

The session will end on or around June 4, 2016. That’s right. Sessions last two years, but sessions don’t last all year.


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The District of Columbia Mayor Gray Announces New Open Government Initiatives

Mayor of the District of Columbia Vincent C. Gray today announced the launch or advancement of six initiatives as part of his ongoing strategy to improve government transparency and accountability. The new initiatives are: the appointment of a 15-member Open Government Advisory Group; the re-launch of the data.dc.gov website which now includes 237 new datasets; and a redesigned track.dc.gov, where residents can track agency performance.


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White House crowdsources open-government playbook

The Obama administration is "walking the walk" on government transparency by asking the public to help write a guide for agencies on ways to engage the public.

"This resource reflects the commitment of the government and civic partners to measurably improve participation programs, and is designed using the same inclusive principles that it champions," wrote Corinna Zarek, White House senior adviser for open government, and Justin Herman, SocialGov lead for the General Services Administration, in a blog post announcing the Public Participation Playbook.


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