FOIA Reform Bill Could Pass Senate

A bill reforming the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) could pass the Senate as early as Thursday, but at least one senator has placed a hold on the legislation.

The FOIA Improvement Act of 2014 has been “hotlined,” meaning it is being considered for placement on the Senate’s unanimous consent calendar, where it could be passed without a lengthy debate.


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Make open data actually work

The Digital Accountability and Transparency Act creates a monumental challenge for federal agencies. Government leaders, watchdog groups and citizens want to make sure tax dollars are being used in productive, efficient ways free from waste and fraud. They also want proof that publicly funded programs are performing well against stated missions and executing within budget.


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Open-government task force delivers report to Santa Rosa council

A report on ways to create a more open government in Santa Rosa was welcomed by the City Council, though quick action on its recommendations is unlikely.

The report of the city’s Open Government Task Force was the final item presented to the outgoing City Council on Tuesday. That means implementation of its suggestions, including passing a sunshine ordinance and hiring a communications director, will fall to the new council, which will revisit the issue in February.


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Editorial: Lawmakers want to dismantle Freedom of Information Act

Your lame-duck Legislature is fiddling with the Illinois Freedom of Information Act again. No good can come of that.

Before they leave town this week, lawmakers with nothing to lose could be asked to vote on two bills, both of them designed to water down an already weak public records law.


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CIA ‘torture report’ could be out Monday

A long awaited Senate report on the CIA’s former “enhanced interrogation" techniques could be out by Monday.

Vice News reported Jason Leopold, who has a longstanding Freedom of Information Act lawsuit against the Obama administration over the so-called “torture report,” tweeted on Wednesday that the report should be out at the beginning of next week.


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Ann Arbor looks to increase transparency when it comes to release of public records

The Ann Arbor City Council went on record this week stating a preference for increased transparency when it comes to the release of public records.

The council voted unanimously to direct the city administrator to revise the city's Freedom of Information Act administrative policy to do just that.


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S.C. Senate bills seek to fix FOIA

Following this year’s state Supreme Court rulings that dramatically curtailed the public’s ability to follow the actions of public bodies, state senators have introduced legislation that could let some sunshine back in.

The court had said that public bodies, such as city councils, were not required to provide meeting agendas. The justices also ruled that autopsies were exempt from public disclosure because they were private medical records.


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Seventh FOIA Suit Filed Against Arcola Township

Once again, failure to follow the Freedom of Information Act, failure to provide responsive public records to the person requesting the records.

This is the 7th FOIA civil suit against Arcola Township.

You can read it below, but the main problem is that Arcola Township thinks they can do as they please, the law be damned. Continue>>>


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