Frerichs won’t disclose sex harassment report on Rutherford

Newly inaugurated Illinois State Treasurer Michael Frerichs refused Tuesday to release a report about sexual harassment allegations against his predecessor, pointing to ongoing legal action.

Frerichs, a Democrat and former state senator who said during his campaign that he wanted to release the investigation into the charges against ex-Treasurer Dan Rutherford, denied a request from The Associated Press under the Freedom of Information Act filed Jan. 12, the day he took office.


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Academic freedom of faculty at stake in Koch-related records requests

A legal dispute involving a former Koch Industries employee has led a prominent academic freedom group to contradict its previous advocacy for the privacy of “scholarly communications.”

A student group at the University of Kansas, Students for a Sustainable Future, filed a state open records request last April for documents pertaining to the hiring of several faculty members within the university’s business school.


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OpenText receives latest Records Management DOD 5015.2 certifications

OpenText (NASDAQ: OTEX, TSX: OTC), a global leader in enterprise information management (EIM), today announced OpenText Records Management has obtained DOD 5015.2-Chapter 4 Freedom of Information and Privacy Act (FOIA/PA) Certification, a global benchmark for US federal agencies, and de facto standard for public and private sector organisations worldwide.


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FOIA pledge garners more signatures, but none locally

A pledge circulated by advocates of government transparency to garner support for the state’s Freedom of Information Act has yielded additional signatures since it was reissued earlier this month.

None of the latest round of signatures came from New London or Windham counties.


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NMU waives FOIA fee for the North Wind

Northern Michigan University’s student newspaper won’t have to pay a fee to get administration e-mails through the Freedom of Information Act.

North Wind editor-in-chief Emma Finkbeiner said the emails were sought to investigate what she calls intimidation issues from six administrators and general counsel over other stories, including NMU’s exclusive contract with Starbucks Coffee.


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Editorial: Gov. signs bill to hold down FOIA costs

The people who really need the Freedom of Information Act are members of the general public — you and me. The so-called "average Joes."

When dealing with a reluctant official unwilling to hand out information about the functioning of government, it is the FOIA that spells out what information should be available to the general public and how it should be turned over.


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Public records class available for free on attorney general’s website

Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine has announced the availability of a free, online class on the state’s transparency and public record laws.

The classes have been available as in-person lessons since 2011, but a demand for remote training prompted the office to offer them online.


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Editorial: Newport News erects obstacles to access by imposing excessive costs for documents

The Tech Center at Oyster Point development was promoted as a critical economic development initiative with the potential to create a good many jobs. Its construction will radically change one of the most prominent intersections in Newport News. And ushering it to completion will require a substantial public investment by city taxpayers.

The newspaper continues to ask questions about the project and expects Newport News officials to be open and transparent in response.


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