Editorial: Right, left join forces over FOIA

Miracles do happen. Two Michigan institutions on opposites sides of the political spectrum recently found some common ground.

The conservative leaning Mackinac Center for Public Policy filed a lawsuit last week against the Michigan Liquor Control Commission over ridiculous fees the agency charged for a freedom of information request.


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Open government advocate urges Wolf to reconsider firing

A leading advocate of open government is calling on Democratic Gov. Tom Wolf to reconsider his firing of his predecessor’s appointee as director of Pennsylvania’s Office of Open Records.

The Pennsylvania Freedom of Information Coalition said today that Mr. Wolf’s decision last week to oust Erik Arneson and appoint an acting director will have a long-term, negative impact on its integrity. Mr. Arneson was appointed by Republican Gov. Tom Corbett a week before he left office.


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Judge: Oakley violated Freedom of Information Act when lawyer ignored request for police reservist names

When Oakley's attorney, Richard Hamilton, failed to forward a Freedom of Information Act request to the village's FOIA coordinator, the village violated Michigan law, a judge ruled Friday, Jan. 23.


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Shredding trade secrets: Heli-Ski Operators Fret over FOIA Disclosures Releasing a Blizzard of Confidential Information

Heli-skiing: it’s the holy grail for thrill-seeking skiers and snowboarders. Ride to the roof of the world aboard a helicopter. Descend thousands of vertical feet through fresh, untracked powder. No lift lines, no ski patrol.

This is what heli-skiers pay upwards of $1,000 per day to see. What they don’t see is the heli-ski tour company owner, back at the office fretting over his trade secrets.


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A how-to guide to Michigan’s Freedom of Information Act

Ever wonder how much your child's teacher earns? Or how much the city spent to repave your street? Or whether your neighbor has ever been cited for not keeping up his property?

The answers to these questions are found in records owned by the public, which are supposed to be there for the asking. But accessing those records is often more difficult than it needs to be.


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Proposal by NMSU would limit access to public records

New Mexico State University plans to propose extensive changes to restrict the reach of the state’s public records law – amendments that transparency advocates call “troubling” and vow to fight.

A document prepared by NMSU and obtained by the Journal describes a litany of proposed exemptions to the Inspection of Public Records Act, including some that would make secret much of the public sector hiring process and certain law enforcement activities.


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