City of LA‘s Data Chief Explores Taking Open Data to Next Level

Governments around California and across the nation are releasing vast troves of public data, making government more transparent than ever before. As the open government movement gains momentum, advocates argue that open data has the potential to help governments do much more than increase transparency and accountability.


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Media, Open-Government Groups Seek Answers On Bailey Ouster

Governor Rick Scott is getting pressure from media organizations and open-government advocates who filed a lawsuit over the ouster of Florida’s top cop.

The lawsuit alleges the handling of the forced resignation of the state’s top law-enforcement officer violated the Sunshine Law and is calling for an independent investigation.


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A bill to better FOIA: Darrell Issa, Elijah Cummings seek ‘a presumption of openness’ in America

Both Republican and Democrat are motivated by concern about public trust – and efficiency. Reps. Darrell Issa of California and Elijah E. Cummings of Maryland – also a ranking member of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform – have introduced legislation to shore up the Freedom of Information Act, simply known as “FOIA” among journalists seeking information.


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Forum: Too few Connecticut legislators sign FOI pledge

Connecticut Gov. Dan Malloy, Lt. Gov. Nancy Wyman and state Comptroller Kevin Lembo — a card carrying FOI advocate — have signed the Freedom of Information Pledge proffered by the nonprofit advocacy group Connecticut Council on Freedom of Information. It took several weeks for Malloy to decide to sign on. Lembo asked immediately, “where do I sign?”

But too few have.


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Hedge Funds Making Profits Using FOIA Requests, Says New Study

Knowledge is power, but it can also be profitable. According to a recent study by academics at the Robert H. Smith School of Business at the University of Maryland, Hedge Funds are using Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests to get access to information that frequently leads to trading profits.


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Department of Defense Fails to Disclose Information About Gender Disparities in Admissions at Military Service Academies

The American Civil Liberties Union, the ACLU of Connecticut, and the Service Women’s Action Network filed a lawsuit today against the Department of Defense for failing to release records under the Freedom of Information Act that would show how three military academies maintain policies that result in an underrepresentation of women in the student population.


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Obama budget pushes better decisions using open data

The government produces petabytes of data every day and the administration is looking to strengthen the collection and analysis of that information and release more of it to the public.

Included in the president's 2016 budget proposal are several initiatives to increase access to data and improve the government's evidence-based decision making.


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Our Opinion: Keep partisanship out of Pennsylvania’s Office of Open Records

Gov. Tom Wolf pledged to be an “unconventional leader,” but one of his first actions in office smacks of an all-too-familiar brand of politics.

He removed the executive director of the Office of Open Records, firing him with Donald Trump-like flair: swiftly and seemingly with little justification.


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