Rep. Corley stands by ‘no’ vote on FOIA bill

S.C. Rep. Chris Corley maintains that a recently passed bill in the House would put unnecessary time constraints on government entities to process information requests.

Aiken County Sheriff Michael Hunt, however, said the time constraints can be overlooked because of a bigger compromise on the bill, which restricts inmates from filing Freedom of Information requests.


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Editorial: Approve HB1153 to strengthen open meetings laws

Honesty, decency and forthrightness are among the values that define South Dakotans. Another core value is a fundamental belief in the public’s right to know about their government. South Dakotans believe the public’s business should be conducted in public view.

That principle in government transparency is embedded in South Dakota’s open meetings laws, which date back more than a half century and direct state and local government boards on how they should conduct business in public.


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Oakley releases list in response to request for police donor info, but some on the list say they don’t belong there

The village of Oakley has released 13 pages of names and financial information in response to a Saginaw News request for the names of donors to the Oakley Police Department.

However, at least some of those listed, including Saginaw County 911, deny donating to the department.


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UConn Foundation Says ‘Transparency’ Bills Would Chill Donors

Representatives of the University of Connecticut Foundation made an impassioned argument at a legislative hearing Thursday that any law forcing them to open their records to the public — even if donors' name are excluded — would impede their efforts to raise money.

And it seemed from the response of the legislators on the higher-education committee that most — though not all — agreed with that argument.


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Judicial Watch Obtains Documents Proving Hillary Clinton Aides Knew About Benghazi Attack

Conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch obtained documents earlier this month proving that several top aides for then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton were aware the American consulate in Benghazi was under attack more than three years ago. This includes Clinton’s then-chief of staff and top confidant, Cheryl Mills.

Four Americans were killed in the Benghazi attack: Ambassador Chris Stevens, information officer Sean Smith, and former Navy SEALs Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty.


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FOIA Reform Bill Advances

The Senate Judiciary Committee has approved S-337 to compel agencies to respond more quickly and openly to Freedom of Information Act requests.

The bill would establish a single website for making FOIA requests; direct agencies to make records available in an electronic format; reduce the number of exemptions agencies can use to withhold information from the public; clarify procedures for handling frequently requested documents and charging fees; establish a Chief FOIA Officers Council; and require agencies to prepare additional reports for the Congress on FOIA matters.


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Texans’ right-to-know about lethal drugs used in executions would dramatically improve under bill filed by Rep. Canales

The public’s right to know about how executions take place in Texas – including current, controversial secret information regarding the lethal drugs used to administer the death sentence – would be dramatically strengthened under legislation filed on Wednesday, February 18, by Rep. Terry Canales, D-Edinburg.


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Using FOIA Requests for a Competitive Edge

Many people are aware of the Freedom of Information Act, known by its acronym, FOIA. It’s the kind of thing that might be described as “government trade secrets, inside out.”

In essence, it means that you can get “private” information from the government by filing a request. Think the government has a file on you? Well, you can file and they will tell you if they do or don’t, or that “they don’t want to confirm or deny” the existence of such a file.


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