Editorial: Budget or no budget, process still stinks in NY State

An incredible amount of money ó about $140 billion ó is on the line. Teacher evaluations, tighter ethics laws for lawmakers, higher education and school funding, environmental cleanup money and much more are all getting hashed out behind closed doors in Albany these days.

It is an unseemly, sullied process, rarely leading to the best deal.


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Proposals Put Sunshine Law Under Siege

Florida's Government in the Sunshine Law is getting a little cloudy from three dozen bills that, if passed, would create exceptions ranging from not disclosing finalists for top state university and college jobs to exempting addresses and other information on all former and active members of the military.

For average citizens, it means less information on a wide range of issues to which they have had access for at least five decades. That also means less opportunity to have a say in issues or decisions being made that affect them.


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Information from Virginia criminal investigations largely exempt from FOIA

At the request of the governor and prosecutors, the Virginia State Police are investigating the arrest of University of Virginia student Martese Johnson by Alcoholic Beverage Control agents, but it’s unlikely the public will have access to much of the investigation.


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Metro’s secrecy highlight of D.C. Open Government Summit

The failure to share information with the public after a fatal electrical fire in a Metro tunnel dominated discussion at the annual D.C. Open Government Summit March 17.

Journalists, civic activists and D.C. government officials traded complaints and suggestions to make local government and the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority more transparent. The Open Government Coalition sponsored the Sunshine Week event at the National Press Club.


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Information from Virginia criminal investigations largely exempt from FOIA

At the request of the governor and prosecutors, the Virginia State Police are investigating the arrest of University of Virginia student Martese Johnson by Alcoholic Beverage Control agents, but it’s unlikely the public will have access to much of the investigation.

Proposals Put Florida Sunshine Law Under Siege

Florida's Government in the Sunshine Law is getting a little cloudy from three dozen bills that, if passed, would create exceptions ranging from not disclosing finalists for top state university and college jobs to exempting addresses and other information on all former and active members of the military.
For average citizens, it means less information on a wide range of issues to which they have had access for at least five decades. That also means less opportunity to have a say in issues or decisions being made that affect them.

Editorial: Budget or no budget, process still stinks in NY State

An incredible amount of money — about $140 billion — is on the line. Teacher evaluations, tighter ethics laws for lawmakers, higher education and school funding, environmental cleanup money and much more are all getting hashed out behind closed doors in Albany these days.
It is an unseemly, sullied process, rarely leading to the best deal.