2015 session in Minnesota shows importance of transparency

The past few weeks of Minnesota's 2015 legislative session aredisproving that old saying about legislation — much like sausage, you don't want to see how it's made.

The more Central Minnesotans learn about last-minute legislative offers, rejections and stealthily silent changes to legislation, the more they should watch and push lawmakers to change how they do the public's business.  Continue>>>



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Oregon – Bill extending records transparency to Legislature dies

SALEM — Lawmakers in Salem love to repeat the quote attributed to Otto von Bismarck, that bill writing is akin to sausage making.

“I was talking to a friend and he said to me, ‘if you like laws or if you like sausage, it’s probably best not to see either one of them getting made’,” Rep. Ann Lininger, D-Lake Oswego, said during a committee meeting in May.


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Utah State Auditor trying to bring more transparency to government on state and local levels

He was a Repubican State Representative for 10 years but then John Dougall was successful in running for the office of State Auditor. On KVNU's For the People program Thursday, Dougall said as a legislator he tried to be a "Constitutional watchdog" and that effort has continued in his new position.

He said one reason he ran was because he felt the auditor's office should be more transparent and he continues to have that for a goal.


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Alabama House Speaker Mike Hubbard’s legal team files Freedom of Information lawsuit

Attorneys for House Speaker Mike Hubbard (R-Auburn) have filed a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit in federal court, seeking information about Deputy Attorney General Matt Hart.

Hart is serving as state prosecutor in the ethics case against Hubbard, who was indicted last year on 23 felony charges of using his current office and former role as chairman of the state Republican Party for personal gain. Al.com first reported the FOIA request Friday evening.


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DEP’s New Public Comment Policy Enhances Public Participation, Transparency

The Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) today announced improvements for public participation and transparency through a new online engagement system. DEP's new online eComment system allows the public to more easily access Technical Guidance Documents and other policy-related proposals open for comment. The public can also view all support documentation, submit comments online, and view the full text of all public comments submitted.


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Watchdog Group Files FOIA Lawsuit for Records on DOJ Tax Attorneys Assigned to White House

The watchdog group Cause of Action is suing the Justice Department for records on what is says are possible unethical disclosures of confidential taxpayer information to the White House, the organization announced Thursday.


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AZ: Public records are available at a high price

Unifying for Florence, a local advocacy group, filed a public records request for three years worth of emails between top officials in Florence Unified School District. The district responded, saying the information was available for a price:  $42,202.50.

Using simple math, the district is saying Superintendent Amy Fuller exchanges an average of 118 pages of email with her assistant superintendents and board members each day, including weekends and holidays.


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Rhode Island Pension Transparency: ‘Still A Long Way To Go’

Rhode Island Treasurer Seth Magaziner, a former financial executive elected in 2014, has announced a landmark proposal to increase transparency at the state’s pension fund. Unlike dozens of states around the country, Rhode Island will now disclose the full range of fees and expenses it pays to investment managers and will fully disclose those managers’ performance.

“It really comes down to a basic principle,” said Magaziner, who announced the proposal Tuesday. “When you're managing public funds, the public has the right to know.”


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Judge Orders Monthly Release of Clinton Emails

In response to a State Department proposal to incrementally release former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s emails every two months, a federal judge ordered Wednesday that the department instead disclose them every 30 days.

Justice Department lawyers representing the State Department offered in a Tuesday court filing to start posting Clinton’s emails on the department’s Freedom of Information Act website on June 30, with “rolling productions” made public every 60 days.


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DOD Stonewalls Freedom of Information Act Request From Ailing Vet

A veteran has sought information about Fort McClellan’s chemical contamination from the Department of Defense since last year, but his Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request has gone unanswered.

Raymond Pulliam – a 53-year-old veteran – was forced to retire in 2012 due to health issues he believes were caused by toxic contamination at Fort McClellan, where he was stationed in 1979 for basic training.


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