Western Watersheds group files FOIA lawsuit against U.S. Wildlife Services

Western Watersheds Project has filed a federal lawsuit against Wildlife Services, saying the federal agency hasn’t responded to its Freedom of Information Act requests for documents detailing its activities in killing wildlife in Idaho. Talasi Brooks, an attorney with Advocates for the West, which is representing the conservation group in the case, said, “The Freedom of Information Act’s basic purpose is to open agency action to the light of public scrutiny.


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Privacy, government openness concerns weighed in Wyoming constitutional amendment

Rights to personal privacy and government access soon may be added to the Wyoming Constitution.

Lawmakers meeting at the Capitol on Wednesday voted to have staff members draft a proposed constitutional amendment that guarantees residents a “right to individual privacy” and a “right to know” about public business.


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Pennsylvania: DEP plans new fracking chemical disclosure site, promises more transparency

Pennsylvania’s Department of Environmental Protection is developing several tools to make information on natural gas drilling more accessible to the public. This includes a new fracking chemical disclosure site, a web portal for information on each natural gas well, and opportunities for the public to comment on proposed DEP policies.


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Michigan: Obtaining government documents is getting easier, county attorney says

ST. JOSEPH – Requesting government documents through Michigan's Freedom of Information Act is getting a lot freer, James McGovern, Berrien County's attorney, told county commissioners Thursday.

"They can't miss how easy it is to make a FOIA request," McGovern said of the new state law that went into effect this year making obtaining documents more convenient and more affordable.


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Virginia: FOIA group agrees to look at ‘working papers’ exemption

RICHMOND – A Virginia law that allows government officials, from the governor to mayors to college presidents, to shield a wide swath of documents from public view deserves a closer look, a small state committee reviewing Virginia's Freedom of Information Act said Thursday.


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Unions question proposed restrictions to D.C. teacher evaluations – Watchdog.org

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Teachers unions are questioning the transparency and due process of a measure to permanently exempt teacher evaluations from public records requests.

The unions are asking the D.C. Council to hold public hearings before a June 30 vote on the Budget Support Act. The act includes a provision to exempt teacher evaluations, observations, ratings and data collection from D.C. Freedom of Information Act requests.


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New Mexico AG wants more ‘transparency’ in campaign finance

ALBUQUERQUE (AP) – New Mexico Attorney General Hector Balderas says he wants to increase “transparency and accountability” in the state’s campaign finance reporting process.

Balderas sent Secretary of State Dianna Duran a letter Wednesday describing what he sees as shortcomings in the current system of campaign finance reporting.  Continue>>>



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