Ex-Im Official Deleted Text Messages After FOIA Request

A top official at a controversial U.S. export finance agency deleted text messages sent within days of the 2014 midterm elections after a watchdog group filed an open records request for the messages, the agency admitted recently.

The watchdog group, Cause of Action, said the deletion amounts to “unlawful destruction of federal records” in a legal complaint filed on Wednesday.  Continue>>>



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Chicago Tribune sues city over release of emails

The Chicago Tribune sued the city of Chicago on Wednesday in a dispute over the news organization's public records request for emails from the office of Mayor Rahm Emanuel.

The complaint, filed in Cook County Circuit Court, said the Tribune sought 25 email chains that may be related to a multimillion-dollar no-bid Chicago Public Schools contract now at the center of a federal criminal investigation.  Continue>>>


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What the Private Sector Can Teach Us About Open Government

The buzzword of the moment among local leaders is “open government,” and chief information officers are attempting to make the hype a reality. In the Center for Digital Government’s 2014 Digital Cities and Counties surveys, one of the top priorities for CIOs at the local level was “open government/transparency/open data.”


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NAMA loses appeal over information requests

The judgment was given in a dispute about National Asset Management Agency's (NAMA) status, which arose after a journalist sought certain information in relation to the agency.

Former Information Commissioner Emily O'Reilly ruled in 2011 NAMA should be subject to environmental information requests because it is a public authority.  Continue>>>



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NAMA loses appeal over information requests

The judgment was given in a dispute about NAMA's status, which arose after a journalist sought certain information in relation to the agency.

Former Information Commissioner Emily O'Reilly ruled in 2011 NAMA should be subject to environmental information requests because it is a public authority.  Continue>>>



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