Editorial: More reasons to fix Virginia FOIA

Public officials' refusal to release the investigative report into the state liquor control agents who bloodied a University of Virginia student in March stands as one of the more blatant examples of government's failure to level with the people about its actions.

But it's hardly the only one. Continue…



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Editorial: More reasons to fix Virginia FOIA

Public officials' refusal to release the investigative report into the state liquor control agents who bloodied a University of Virginia student in March stands as one of the more blatant examples of government's failure to level with the people about its actions.

But it's hardly the only one. Continue…



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Motion seeks to unseal governor’s divorce records

The Tuscaloosa News and other media organizations throughout Alabama have challenged a judge's decision to seal records in Gov. Robert Bentley's pending divorce case.

A motion filed today requests that the records be made public to comply with the state's open records law. Continue…



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Florida sued once again over handling of public records

Two telecommunications companies contend in a new lawsuit that the administration of Gov. Rick Scott is flouting the state's public records law.

The lawsuit is an outgrowth of a dispute over a nearly $400 million state contract the Scott administration recently awarded to a subsidiary of Florida-based Harris Corp. Continue…



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Editorial: 5 reasons you should care about Virginia’s FOIA review

Marisa J. Porto, Virginia Press Association president: Earlier this year I began to attend meetings in Richmond to review Virginia's Freedom of Information law. It's been an interesting learning experience for someone who has made a career writing stories, rather than participating in them.


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D.C. mayor’s plan would limit access to police body-camera footage

D.C. Mayor Muriel E. Bowser said Wednesday that she would allow police officials to withhold some footage captured by body cameras, a move that members of the D.C. Council said backtracked from a proposal she made last month that would have given the public more access to videos.


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Hearings planned on proposed changes to Tennessee records laws

The state Office of Open Records Counsel is holding a series of hearings this week about a proposal to make taxpayers pay to inspect public records in Tennessee.

Under current law, government officials can charge for photocopies of public records, but viewing them is free. Records custodians often prohibit citizens from taking pictures or scanning records themselves. Continue…


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Kansas panel finding consensus on ways to reform open records law

A panel in Kansas coming to a consensus about how to reform the state’s open records law so it can’t be skirted by government officials using private e-mail or devices.

Sen. Molly Baumgardner, R-Louisburg, and Rep. Jim Ward, D-Wichita, say the determining factor for whether a document is considered public should be the content of a record rather than where it’s stored. Continue…



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