Editorial: Twitter’s encouraging promise to “reboot” transparency

During the keynote address at Flight, Twitter’s 2015 Developer Conference, Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey made a commitment to “reboot” Twitter’s relationship with the transparency sector.

Even more encouraging to us here at Sunlight was that he specifically named Politwoops as an example.  


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Coalition joins others calling on D.C. Council to reject mayor’s proposal to hide police body camera videos

DCOGC President Kevin Goldberg testified to the D.C. legislature Wednesday this week on the latest proposals from the mayor that would limit public access to police body camera video, calling them "unnecessary and overbroad."


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R.I. open-government advocates press issue with governor’s chief of staff

For Sheila Mullowney, executive editor of the Newport Daily News, a recent conversation with one of her newspaper's reporters crystallized "the systemic problem" that brought her — and other open-government advocates — to the State House on Tuesday to talk with top aides to Gov. Gina Raimondo about recent difficulties getting even the most basic government records.


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Virginia reporters school state officials on open records laws

State officials in Virginia scrambling to keep documents from the press. The governor’s office directing an agency to misrepresent open records laws. Local reporters pushing back at agency flacks about how to interpret those laws. And a response to a big Freedom of Information Act request from a newspaper that exposed how it all went down behind the scenes.


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After Schock scandal, House curtails wasteful spending with disclosure and open data

The U.S. House Committee on Administration has moved forward with new rules on how members of Congress spend taxpayer dollars on auto mileage, air travel, office decoration and more. The resolution requires more detailed disclosure on travel spending and makes it more difficult for members to spend lavishly on office decor or chartered travel.


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DEP recordkeeping needs to improve, Pennsylvania officials say

On one of the otherwise bare walls of John Quigley's office hangs a banner: "Bureau of Integrity & Transparency."

The Department of Environmental Protection secretary makes a point of mentioning it to his visitors on the 16th floor of the Rachel Carson Building in Harrisburg. Continue…


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Editorial: Do Delaware’s secrets pose a security risk?

The legal structure of a Delaware Limited Liability Company (LLC) grants secrecy to its members, investors, and sources of financing when conducting business.

Because of this lack of transparency is it possible that unknown business interests, and even foreign governments, could invest, own, and gain access to our nation’s vulnerable infrastructure? Continue…


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