Pittsburgh on the road to ‘inclusive innovation’

In September, the Steel City launched the Pittsburgh Roadmap for Inclusive Innovation, a strategy to facilitate residents’ participation in the New Economy, improve the city’s capacity to serve the public through data-driven services and increase resilience by strengthening the clean tech and local business sectors.


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A Year of Progress and Achievement for Maine Government Technology

Throughout 2015, the state of Maine, in partnership with its eGovernment portal provider InforME, made significant strides and advancements to the state’s web presence (www.Maine.gov) creating new ways for citizens and businesses to engage with government online. These advancements have further cemented Maine’s web presence as one of the best government websites in the nation.


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Obama administration blocks Washington Times FOIA request on Syria chemical weapons

The Obama administration is blocking The Washington Times from obtaining detailed information about Syria’s extensive chemical weapons arsenal, which was used to kill thousands of innocents and changed the course of the country’s savage 4-year-old civil war.


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Experts: New bills in Florida would harm public-records law

Bills filed this week would gut the public's right of access to the government by making it harder for citizens to take records disputes to court, First Amendment experts say.

Two Republican lawmakers, Sen. Rene Garcia of Hialeah and Rep. Greg Steube of Sarasota, are sponsoring the legislation (SB 1220 and HB 1021), which has the backing of the powerful Florida League of Cities.  Continue…


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Nonprofit Sues Chicago States Attorney Alleging Repeated FOIA Violations

The fallout from the fatal police shooting of Laquan McDonald continues. The Chicago Justice Project (CJP), a nonprofit that analyzes data from criminal-justice agencies, is suing the Cook County’s State’s Attorney’s office alleging that it has repeatedly violated the state’s open-records law. If the suit is successful, it will force the office to turn over a multitude of public records that the CJP has been seeking since last year through the federal Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).


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In TV interview, Wisconsin’s Bill Lueders decries ‘culture of contempt for the public’s right to know’

Wisconsin Freedom of Information Council president Bill Lueders said he's troubled by what he called a movement toward a "culture of contempt for the public's right to know."


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