Databases, nonprofit records, wage theft transparency on Colorado legislature’s 2016 agenda

DENVER – Colorado lawmakers will consider at least four measures to expand public access to information during the legislature's 2016 session, which convenes Wednesday.

Those measures include database records; nonprofit records; wage theft transparency and judicial branch records.  Continue…



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Public kept in the dark when R.I. mulls economic subsidies

PROVIDENCE, R.I. — Open-government advocates are criticizing Governor Raimondo's economic incentives process as she prepares to award at least $56 million in subsidies to companies she hopes will create jobs, expand in Rhode Island or move here.

The first-term governor and her aides have spent six months drafting regulations and applications, determining how to review and approve the tax and other incentives to develop new businesses.  Continue…


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Missouri Governmental boards training to be offered

There will be a training series called “Serving on Public Boards” that will be held on Jan. 19 and Jan. 21 (one program, 2 nights) from 6 to 9 p.m. in five locations.

Locations include: Advanced Technology Center Room 167 in Mexico (2900 Doreli Lane), Putnam County High School, Brookfield Area Career Center, Grand River Technical School in Chillicothe and Scotland County High School.  Continue…


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Editorial: Wisconsin Public Records Board must reverse its August decision

The state Public Records Board is expected Monday to revisit a change it made in August on which state records need to be archived as open records. The board needs to reverse that change and ensure that all records relevant to the public's business — including texts, Facebook messages and other electronic communications — are archived and available to the public.


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Idaho AG’s Office Investigating Cassia Open Meeting Violation Case

BURLEY • The Idaho Attorney General’s Office on Thursday launched an investigation into a joint law enforcement committee in Cassia County over allegations it violated state open-government laws. A Cassia County district judge ordered two special state prosecutors to be appointed in the case.


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Making Data on the Colorado River Basin’s Troubling Depletion More Accessible

The improving accessibility of open data is providing insights into the Colorado River basin’s 16-year drought, thanks to a recently launched, interactive digital tool from the U.S. Interior Department.

The “Drought in the Colorado River Basin” portal details the state of the watershed that supplies 1 in 10 Americans and 5.5 million acres of land with water, despite reservoirs at about 50 percent capacity.  Continue…


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Center for Public Integrity: How to use our State Integrity interactive to find solutions, ‘best practices’

It’s early January, when New Year’s resolutions seem attainable, extra pounds from the holidays losable, and sound policy from new state legislative sessions at least possible.  By now, 14 state capitals have welcomed their lawmakers back to town, and before the month is out, another 23 sessions will begin.


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