Raleigh, N.C. – A coalition of animal protection, consumer rights, food safety, and whistleblower protection organizations filed a federal lawsuit today challenging the constitutionality of a North Carolina law designed to deter whistleblowers and undercover investigators from publicizing information about corporate misconduct.



D.C. mayor names new CTO, unveils open data policy

Washington, D.C., is moving to overhaul its IT operations, placing a special focus on open data.

Mayor Muriel Bowser announced Tuesday that Archana Vemulapalli, chief technology officer of facilities management company Pristine Technologies, will become the district’s new CTO. She’ll replace interim CTO David Bishop, who was filling in after Tegene Baharu resigned in October.  Continue…



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Editorial: Standards Are Crucial to Successful Open Data Policies

I recently moderated an event for the National Governors Association at the Harvard Kennedy School. In one session, performance management expert Bob Behn told a group of governors’ chiefs of staff that one of the most basic but often overlooked aspects of an efficient organization is a shared definition of key terms. Simple words can take on significantly different meanings to different people, and if a standard definition for these words is not set, collaboration is stifled by miscommunication.


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Wisconsin Public Records Board Rescinds Controversial Action on Open Records

After a public outcry, the Wisconsin Public Records Board voted unanimously on Monday to rescind actions it took on August 24 that were apparently used by the Walker administration to deny a pending public records request.


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Wisconsin Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald: No plans to change open records laws this session

Republican lawmakers in the state Senate have no plans to revisit changes to Wisconsin's open records law in the final months of the legislative session, a top GOP senator said last week. 

But many lawmakers still think some changes to the law are needed, Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald, R-Juneau, said in an interview with the Cap Times.  Continue…


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GOP report slams FCC on open records

The Federal Communications Commission might be deliberately withholding public records, according to a Republican-led report released this week. 

The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee report concluded that the FCC's is either incompetent or intentionally misused redactions under the Freedom of Information Act to withhold internal communication about its controversial Internet regulations.  Continue…


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House passes sweeping FOIA reform legislation

The House on Monday passed legislation that would create the most sweeping reforms to federal open records laws in nearly a decade. 

Approved by voice vote, the measure would limit exemptions under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) that now allow federal agencies to hold back information.  Continue…



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Editorial: When can the FBI use National Security Letters to spy on journalists? That’s classified.

Remember one year ago when then-Attorney General Eric Holder supposedly tightened restrictions on the Justice Department so it could not easily conduct surveillance on journalists’ emails and phone calls? Well it turns out the Justice Department inserted a large loophole in its internal rules that allows the FBI to completely circumvent those restrictions and spy on journalists in secrecy—and with absolutely no court oversight—using National Security Letters.


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