Op-Ed: Washington state’s public records act legally loots taxpayers’ pockets

Let's be very honest about what's what here. The current version of the Washington State Public Records Act (PRA) a/k/a/ RCW 42.56 wastes local tax dollars. 

It is a prescription for blatant abuse and it is has in fact been blatantly abused over and over in our state, particularly so in my hometown of Gold Bar where the community came close to being bankrupted over its abuse by just a few malcontents.


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Public records requests in Maine on an uptick

Maine people are interested in what their governments are up to.

That's the upshot of a new report issued by the state's ombudsman for opening meetings and public records.

In 2015, there were 416 inquiries about public meetings and public records handled by Brenda Kielty, a lawyer with the Maine Attorney General's Office.


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Eyeing Clinton’s tenure, legislator probes State’s FOIA program

Does the State Department obstruct valid requests for public records?

That’s what House Oversight Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) is trying to find out with a new probe of the department’s Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) program under Secretary John Kerry, former Secretary Hillary Clinton and three of their predecessors.

Citing an increase in FOIA-related litigation, Chaffetz asked the State Department to produce information about how the Office of the Secretary handles records requests.


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DC Delegate to propose end to secrecy of DC judges’ financial disclosure forms

In a surprise announcement, DC Delegate Eleanor Homes Norton said this week she plans to introduce legislation that would open for the first time in years the financial disclosure forms completed by D.C. judges.

Her legislative proposal will ask Congress to change requirements now in federal law that require the information on lengthy forms but also keep the details closely held.


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Data leaks expose private information without being hacked

Thirteen million MacKeeper users; 3.3 million Hello Kitty fans; 191 million U.S. voters.

Recently, those people’s names, phone numbers and e-mail addresses, among other personal details, were found on the Internet because of leaky databases. The number of those affected is astounding — made especially terrifying by the fact the data are out there, no hacking required.


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N.J. lawmaker pushes bill to keep police videos, 911 calls from public

A bill before the New Jersey Legislature would cut public access to police video and audio recordings in New Jersey, making them accessible only by law enforcement or through a court order.

The measure (S788) would create an exemption to New Jersey's Open Public Records Act for "law enforcement camera recordings" as well as 911 calls and transcripts. Its introduction comes as police departments across the state are implementing body camera programs amid a national climate of scrutiny of law enforcement practices spurred by high-profile police shootings.


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These DC Councilmembers are trying to change FOIA

DC Councilmembers David Grosso and Mary M. Cheh introduced a new bill to make significant changes to DC’s open government practices. Namely, the proposed piece of legislation makes tweaks to the District’s Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), Open Meetings Act and Open Government Office Act.

The bill is a veritable laundry list of changes to the legislation above — ranging from “clarifying” various procedures and exemptions to “creating” others.


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Michigan Rep: State FOIA needs expanding after Flint water crisis

Michigan Rep. Jon Hoadley is calling for an expansion in Michigan's Freedom of Information Act following Gov. Rick Snyder's announcing plans to release emails on the Flint water crisis.

Hoadley, D-Kalamazoo, applauded the move toward better access but remained skeptical.

"He will release whichever ones he wants to release, and there will be no penalty if he chooses to forget to release a couple, or if he doesn't release some of the other emails, maybe, between various members of his administration," Hoadley said.


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