Editorial: Wisconsin’s open records law needs deadlines and consequences

One game that government officials like to play is to pretend they didn't hear you. Kind of like kids when you ask them if they've done their homework or if they could mow the lawn. Ask again, and you might get a grunt, ask a third time and you might be accused of harassment.

I don't know if the state Department of Natural Resources is playing those games with Midwestern Environmental Advocates, but the public interest law firm filed suit last week contending just that.


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New Mexico AG promises more FOI enforcement

New Mexico Attorney General Hector Balderas has created an Open Government Division within his office to beef up enforcement of New Mexico’s freedom-of-information laws, and though the process has had a few hiccups, transparency advocates are optimistic that the office will be more aggressive.

The New Mexico Foundation for Open Government has long complained that the office, through several administrations, has never prioritized enforcement of the state’s laws guaranteeing access to public records and meetings.


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Missouri bill would define open records access for police cameras

A Kansas City-area Republican is sponsoring a bill that would set limits on when police camera footage is public record in Missouri.

The bill would block access to body camera recordings shot in homes, hospitals and schools unless the investigation is closed and someone in the video requests it.


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A handcuffed bill on college police records in Indiana

The sponsors of House Bill 1022 insist they want private universities in Indiana to be more open with police records. The bill, they say, will create a new and stronger level of transparency. And the universities themselves, who helped craft the bill, have said they want to be more open when it comes to public safety.

The bill comes in the wake of controversies about sexual assault investigations on university campuses, as well as a lawsuit by media giant ESPN on whether police records by the University of Notre Dame should be public.


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Judge rules that booking photos are public records in Montana

Booking photos — aka "mug shots" — of criminal defendants are now public records in Montana that must be released to the news media.

In October, state District Court Judge Jon Oldenburg of Lewistown ordered a mug shot, or booking photo, released in Park County, saying it is public justice information.


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Colorado lawmakers seek to boost whistleblower protections

State lawmakers introduced three bills in the opening weeks of the 2016 legislative session intended to safeguard Colorado whistleblowers.

The measures would: 1) prohibit municipalities, counties and school districts from disciplining employees who report abuses; 2) shield state employees from disciplinary action for reporting “non-public” information; and 3) protect homeowners from retaliation or discrimination by homeowners’ associations.


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Open Kansas group calls on lawmakers to sign transparency pledge

A new group of organizations called Open Kansas called on lawmakers this week to make a commitment to government openness by signing a “transparency pledge.”

The initiative by five nonprofit organizations was announced at the Capitol. Rep. John Rubin, a Shawnee Republican, and Rep. John Wilson, a Lawrence Democrat, were the first to sign.


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Flint water crisis highlights lack of transparency with Michigan government

In most states, if journalists or citizens want to hold our elected officials accountable, the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) is an important tool in our political toolbox.

However, Michigan is among a small handful of states where the governor’s office and the state legislature are exempt from the FOIA. This means that documents and records can be kept from the public, except in rare occasions.


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Minneapolis restarts transparency program with focus on goals

Minneapolis has relaunched its “Results Minneapolis” transparency program, broadening the focus from how well city departments run to how well the city is doing at tackling major issues like economic inequality.

The program, introduced a decade ago to give the public a closer look at the performance of city government, was put on hold in late 2014. The city had previously held weekly public conferences to share data on emergency response times, building permits and a host of other operations.


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Washington lawsuit challenging transparency in political donations could soon be resolved

Two lawsuits that stem from the 2013 election involving Washington state and the Grocery Manufacturer’s Association could soon be resolved in a Thurston County courtroom.

The state sued the trade group, also known as GMA, in late 2013 after the state said the organization knowingly concealed the source of millions of dollars used to fight voter initiative I-522, which would have required the labeling of genetically modified food.

More that $20 million was spent on the "NO I-522" campaign and the initiative was ultimately defeated.


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