Public records audit details response of New Mexico offices

An audit by the New Mexico Foundation for Open Government found it took anywhere from two days to several weeks for many government offices in the state to fulfill public records requests and more than a dozen failed to respond at all.

The open government advocacy group released the findings of its audit Tuesday. It marked the foundation's first public records audit in four years.  Continue…


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Georgia: Open records indicate no requests from rival recruiters

Records show that UGA processed no open records requests regarding recruiting from opposing schools over the last six months. There were just two requests overall regarding potential recruits, and both were made by media.

That information runs contrary to what a state legislator said was the reasoning behind sponsoring recent legislation that now will give UGA 90 days to respond to Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests.  Continue…


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Louisiana Bill to create transparency website goes to full House

A legislative proposal to create a transparency website for fiscal matters that would give the “average constituent” the tool to root out “inefficiencies” and “waste” in state government unanimously sailed through the House Appropriations Committee Monday.


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Mackinac Center and Sierra Club Call For More Transparency in Michigan Government

The Mackinac Center and Sierra Club often hold different positions on policy, but have come together to call for a more transparent and accountable government. The Detroit Free Press recently published an op-ed written by David Holtz, chairman of the Sierra Club Michigan Chapter, and Michael Reitz, executive vice president of the Mackinac Center for Public Policy.


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FOIA Covers Confidential Files Sent to NIH, Grants Official Says

Business plans and other confidential information shouldn't be submitted to the NIH in a conflict-of-interest report because it could be made available to the public, the agency's grants compliance director advised May 12.


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Aiken lawmaker pressuring S.C. senator to remove objection to FOIA reform bill

Four years ago, a Wagener woman requesting copies of financial records and other records from the Town of Swansea was billed nearly $10,000 for the documents.

Aiken County taxpayers seeking records about the school district’s $236 million bond referendum and other data in 2010 didn’t receive an answer until well past the November election.  Continue…



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Open-government wins and losses in the 2016 Colorado legislative session

Colorado lawmakers in 2016 rejected an opportunity to bring the state’s open-records law into the 21st century.

They also decided that wage-law violations should remain “trade secrets” and that internal affairs files on judicial branch employees should remain confidential, which isn’t the case for other state government workers.  Continue…


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