New Hampshire: Small town library leads freedom of internet browsing charge

A small town library in New Hampshire is having a big impact on discussions of privacy and freedom of information. The Kilton Public Library in the town of Lebanon, New Hampshire, population 13,000, withstood requests from Homeland Security to shut down their Tor internet browser-equipped PCs, and continues to allow identity-masked internet searches and traffic despite the concerns of local law enforcement, according to ABC News.


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Emails Show Hillary Clinton’s Email Server Was A Massive Security Headache, Set Up To Route Around FOIA Requests

More bad news for Hillary Clinton and her ill-advised personal email server. Another set of emails released by the State Department shows the government agency had to disable several security processes just to get its server to accept email from Clinton's private email address. Continue…



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Sunlight Foundation: 7 ideas to make the Freedom of Information Act better

When Sunlight signed onto the 50 Days of FOIA campaign, we expected to be adding our voice and ideas to those of dozens of other open government allies pushing for Congress to pass legislative reforms to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). Thankfully, we are now celebrating Congress sending FOIA reform to President Barack Obama. S.337 is currently listed as pending legislation on the White House website. We hope the president signs it into law by or on the 50th anniversary of the law on July Fourth.


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Sunlight Foundation: Congress commits to making deliberative decisions more transparent online

Yesterday at the 2016 Legislative Data and Transparency Conference, Speaker of the House Paul Ryan stood up and congratulated all of the people who have been working to open up the legislative branch of the United States to the public. Ryan also told us — and the online and television viewers — that he'd asked his team to keep moving ahead by publishing all legislative measures in a standard format.


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FDA Must List Withheld Documents on Ebola Drug Access, Court Says

The FDA must produce a list of the documents it's withholding on access to the experimental Ebola drug ZMapp so a federal district court can decide whether any of them should be released ( Goldwater Inst. v. HHS, D. Ariz., No. 2:15-cv-01055-SRB, 6/16/16 ).

The court's June 16 ruling comes at a time of increased interest in the access to experimental drugs for use in both pandemics and to aid the dying. Continue…


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