Immigrant detainees in Georgia more likely to be deported than detainees elsewhere

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) detained over 243,000 immigrants in Fiscal Year 2015 (FY 2015).1 The detained immigrants are housed in a patchwork of public and private facilities around the country under contract with ICE.


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The White House is joining Data Foundation’s annual #opendata conference

Hey, federal open data enthusiasts — here’s one for you.

Data Transparency 2016 (DT2016), the Data Foundation’s fourth annual open data policy conference, will convene at the Washington Convention Center on Sept. 28. As in previous years, the conference “will bring together government leaders, transparency advocates, and the technology industry to transform government information from disconnected documents into open data.” Continue…


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Watermelons and National Security: Protecting U.S. Foreign Intelligence Collection from Unnecessary Disclosure

In 1966, Congress enacted the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) to create a legal regime under which the American public could gain access to information about its government’s activities. In keeping with Justice Brandeis’s observation that “sunlight is the best disinfectant,” FOIA has become an invaluable tool in forcing information of national interest into the open, and of revealing instances of government waste, fraud, and abuse.


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A bunch of #opengov groups are leading a California ‘database hunt’

The Data Foundation, the sister organization of the Data Coalition that launched this winter, is teaming up with the Electronic Frontier Foundation and the Sunlight Foundation to hold a “California Database Hunt.”

The goal? California’s local government agencies are now (as of July 1, 2016) required to publish a list of all “enterprise systems” they use to store data and information on the public. Continue…


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Press Releases: Department Hosts Online Discussion of Draft Open Government Plan

Through August 31, 2016 the U.S. Department of State is conducting an online discussion between federal employees and the public on the initiatives proposed for inclusion in the State Department’s 2016 Open Government Plan. The goal of this dialogue is to engage with the public on the topics of transparency, participation, and collaboration and to show how these objectives are represented in the Department’s upcoming Open Government Plan.


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