SC: Public outcry for transparency in police shooting investigations clashes with public records rules

In the wake of recent police shootings, the public outcry for transparency has come head to head with law enforcement agencies’ interpretation of freedom of information laws.

The statutes outline the public’s right to records produced by government agencies but also include exemptions for law enforcement records. Those are meant for such situations as protecting the identity of a confidential informant or keeping investigative techniques hidden from criminals.


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SC: Four rural fire departments fail to provide public records

A government transparency expert has said the Alvin, Huger, Longridge and Pineville-Russellville departments have disregarded South Carolina law even after the agencies have been given multiple opportunities over three months to make the information public.

In Berkeley County, 26 rural fire departments — which operate as nonprofits — are contracted through the county to provide fire service to unincorporated areas.

Because those departments operate using public money, they are subject to Freedom of Information Act requests.


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OH: Public records complaint program open for business

The Ohio Court of Claims today begins accepting public records complaints, which staff lawyers will attempt to resolve with mediation between complaining parties and government entities.

If mediation fails, a prompt binding ruling will be issued by a “special master” with an expertise in Sunshine laws. His ruling then can be appealed to a court official for legal review.



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WA: Ex-Pacific County undersheriff suing for public records

Todd Fosse, the Pacific County undersheriff who was fired last year, has filed a lawsuit in Grays Harbor Superior Court against his former employer — Pacific County and the Pacific County Sheriff’s Office — and alleges the county failed to fulfill a public records request that may answer questions about his termination.


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OK: Supreme Court declines to hear appeal in open records case; city will owe fees

On Sept. 12, the Oklahoma Supreme Court denied the City of Claremore’s petition to appeal a ruling that the city violated the Oklahoma Open Records Act.

The city will now owe additional attorneys’ fees to the lawfirm of Ward, Lee & Coats, P.L.C.

In July 2014, Rogers County District Court heard testimony related to an open records act lawsuit filed by Ward, Lee & Coats, P.L.C against the city, for failure to provide documents in a reasonable amount of time.


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NEFAC Announces Journalism Fellows for Sixth Annual New England First Amendment Institute

The New England First Amendment Coalition is pleased to announce its incoming class of fellows for the 2016 New England First Amendment Institute.

This three-day institute is open each year to 25 New England journalists and provides the support and training necessary to become accomplished investigative reporters, well-versed in the freedom of information laws that govern today’s difficult reporting landscape.



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NC among states to limit access to police videos

Amid a growing outcry over police shootings of black men, many states are taking actions to restrict public access to police video shot by dashboard and body cameras.

In North Carolina — where Keith Lamont Scott was fatally shot last week by Charlotte police — a new law takes effect Saturday that some experts say will make it more difficult for the public to see video shot by police.


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IA: Can some police records be forever sealed?

The Department of Public Safety denied all or parts of 40 out of 59 record requests it received during the first six months of 2016, a Des Moines Register investigation found.  And of the 40 denials, 28 were based on the investigative file exemption – regardless of whether the case is closed, remains under investigation, or went cold three decades ago.


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