Public Records on Hawaii Prisoners Held by CCA Will Cost You $23,000

Each year, Hawaii spends tens of millions of dollars to house prisoners on the mainland, a practice that it has maintained for more than 25 years.

But the state's taxpayers are kept in the dark about much of what goes on at the Saguaro Correctional Center, a private Arizona prison where about 1,400 Hawaii prisoners are housed.



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D.C. Circuit Disagrees with DOJ Handling of FOIA Request

This case (American Immigration Lawyers Association v. Executive Office for Immigration Review) involves a request by the AILA (American Immigration Lawyers Association) under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) for records relating to complaints filed against immigration judges, who are federal employees working under the Department of Justice (DOJ). AILA was looking for a pattern of problems with certain judges in their handling of immigration appeals.


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Burgh’s Eye View app tracks Pittsburgh’s potholes, arrests, graffiti

Pittsburgh officials Monday launched Burgh's Eye View , an app that includes a range of public records such as crime statistics, building code violations and excessive noise complaints.

The city Department of Innovation & Performance's Analytics and Strategy team built the app, which also is available as a website, as part of an effort to increase openness and accessibility.



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NC Gov. McCrory claims immunity from public records claim

A lawyer for Gov. Pat McCrory told the state Court of Appeals Tuesday morning that the state should be immune from any judgment finding the current administration either cannot or does not comply with open records requests in a timely manner, as alleged by a coalition of media groups.

The group includes Capitol Broadcasting Co., the parent company of WRAL News, and other media companies, as well as the Southern Environmental Law Center and the North Carolina Justice Center. All make regular use of public records in their work.


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Press Release from Reinvent Albany: NYC Comptroller for Issues First Tax-Break Data in U.S. Under New Accounting Rule

Three non-profit watchdog groups today lauded New York City Comptroller Scott Stringer for being the first government officer in the United States to comply with a new accounting rule requiring the disclosure of how much revenue is lost to corporate tax breaks given for economic development. More than 50,000 state and local government bodies are expected to issue such data over the next two years.


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Media Rights Champion, Washington Post Columnist Margaret Sullivan to Receive NEFAC 2017 Stephen Hamblett First Amendment Award

Media rights champion Margaret Sullivan, the media columnist for the Washington Post, will receive the New England First Amendment Coalition's 2017 Stephen Hamblett First Amendment Award, given each year to an individual who has promoted, defended or advocated for the First Amendment throughout his or her career.


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Updates from Sunlight Foundation regarding the future of Sunlight Labs

The Sunlight Foundation continues to wind down, and projects and initiatives from Sunlight Labs are in the process of being transferred to their new homes.  

Sunlight Labs is still looking for a home for Email Congress, a service that allows constituents to email their congressional representatives directly rather than going through webforms. If you would be interested in adopting Email Congress, please email Sunlight Labs at


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