IL: Naperville residents can track police, fire calls via new online map

If you've ever wondered what all of those firetrucks or police cars were doing the other day on the Naperville street where you live, you need wonder no longer starting Monday.

As part of an "open data" initiative enacted earlier this month by the Naperville City Council, residents will be able to learn when, where and why police officers or firefighters were sent out on emergency calls, courtesy of a daily "public safety incident map" making its formal debut Monday on the city's website.


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MuckRock: Take a minute to thank a FOIA officer who helped open up government

As challenging as public records can be, it’s an incredibly important part of the democratic process that often provides a unique opportunity for oversight and engagement. That opportunity wouldn’t be possible without government officials doing their job, and often going above and beyond in the name of transparency.


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Emails Released by Mayor de Blasio’s Office Detail Reliance on Outside ‘Agents’

After months of wrangling with reporters and in court over the disclosure of emails, the administration of Mayor Bill de Blasio on Wednesday released a third batch of its correspondence with outside advisers that it has designated as “agents of the city.”

The emails, released in response to a Freedom of Information Law request, totaled more than 1,550 pages and date to the first days of Mr. de Blasio’s tenure, in early 2014, through April 2015.


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FOIA expansion among things to watch during Michigan’s lame-duck session

The House passed laws in September that would expand the state's Freedom of Information Act, which allows citizens to access records, to the governor's office. The bills would also subject the legislature to a separate Legislative Open Records Act. Currently neither the governor or legislature are subject to FOIA.

While the bills passed the House easily, there seems to be less appetite in the Senate, where they've been referred to the Government Operations Committee. That committee has a reputation around the capitol for being where bills go to die.


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Court: Missouri Corrections Department ‘Knowingly Violated’ Sunshine Law

The Missouri Department of Corrections knowingly violated the state’s Sunshine Law when it refused to provide records about applicants who sought to witness Missouri executions, an appeals court ruled.

The ACLU had sued to obtain the information to determine if the department was choosing witnesses impartially.

In response, the corrections department produced heavily redacted records, even though many witness applicants had agreed to produce the information.


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The Daily Tar Heel files lawsuit against UNC to obtain campus sexual assault records

The Daily Tar Heel filed a lawsuit against UNC on Monday for access to public records regarding sexual assault cases on campus.

The Daily Tar Heel requested the records Sept. 30 and set a deadline of Oct. 28 which the University did not meet.

The lawsuit was filed on behalf of The Daily Tar Heel, the Capital Broadcasting Company, the Charlotte Observer Publishing Company and The Durham Herald Company against Chancellor Carol Folt as the custodian of the records and Gavin Young, senior director for public records at UNC.


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Texas blows bid for funds to combat opioids, tries to keep records secret

Faced with a rising death toll from opioid abuse, Texas public health officials in May decided to apply for a $1 million federal grant to purchase Naloxone, a drug that, if administered during an overdose, can save the life of a person addicted to heroin or pain pills.


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CFOIC President: Why Colorado needs a uniform standard for sealing criminal court records

Colorado has had its share of high-profile criminal cases.

The aborted rape prosecution of NBA star Kobe Bryant. The capital trial of Aurora movie theater shooter James Holmes. The preliminary hearing for the kidnapper and killer of 10-year-old Jessica Ridgeway. The pending prosecution of the admitted Planned Parenthood shooter, Robert Lewis Dear.


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AP e-book ‘Divided America’ to benefit NFOIC

The "Divided America" series began in June. The e-book also includes personal reflections from AP journalists that provide additional insight into the lives of those they profiled over a period of several months.

Proceeds from each purchase of the e-book will support the efforts of the National Freedom of Information Coalition in protecting the right to an open government and advocating for accessibility and transparency, especially at the state and local levels.


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Judge to decide whether Brigham Young University’s police department must comply with Utah open records laws

The law enforcement arm of the private university, owned by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, has contended that it doesn't have to comply with state records laws, and the Utah Records Committee has agreed.

But The Salt Lake Tribune is scheduled to argue in court Monday that because the state granted the department full policing powers — the same as any other public law enforcement agency in Utah — it should be open to public scrutiny.


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