HHS Only Department to Meet Obama’s FOIA Backlog Reduction Order

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is the only cabinet level agency that was able to meet President Obama’s 2009 instruction to reduce FOIA backlogs by 10 percent per year. Out of the 15 federal departments surveyed, HHS reduced its backlog by 12.7 percent* per year. The average for all federal departments was an 8.21 percent increase. The departments of Homeland Security, State, and Housing and Urban Development are some of the worst offenders, with an average increase of nearly 30 percent per year.


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From $37 to $339,000: Why the Price of Public Records Requests Varies So Much

Local and state laws regarding what constitutes the public’s domain are about as uniform as a patchwork quilt. And technology — or a lack thereof — further contributes to the increasing cost variance between jurisdictions.

New IT software, for the governments that can afford it, has certainly sped up the time it takes to fulfill requests and thus lowered the price of information. But in some cases, technology can complicate matters. This issue is particularly heightened when privacy concerns require time-consuming redaction work.


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RI: Legislation would shield college research from APRA requests

A group of local legislators are trying to protect researchers and scientists at the state’s higher education institutions public records requests prior to completing their research. On Tuesday, a bill sponsored by Sen. V. Susan Sosnowski (Dist. 37-South Kingstown, New Shoreham), was heard before the Senate Judiciary Committee, and a companion House bill introduced by Rep. Carol Hagan-McEntee (Dist. 33-South Kingstown, Narragansett), has been held for further study.


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Maine lawmakers routinely use private email for public business

Private email for public business was a front and center controversy during the presidential election.

Now the I-Team discovers some Maine lawmakers routinely bypass the state email server and use their personal accounts for state business, raising questions of transparency and accountability.

Even when they're in session, most Maine lawmakers are never far from their devices and their emails, in constant contact with lobbyists, donors, and their constituents.


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Florida Dept. of Law Enforcement investigates PTC cellphones for missing public records

Florida Department of Law Enforcement agents have taken possession of seven Public Transportation Commission cellphones as it steps up an investigation into whether public records were deliberately deleted from the devices.

The phones were used by PTC staffers, including former executive director Kyle Cockream.

Billing records show Cockream sent text messages to the owner of a local taxicab firm and PTC board members before Sept. 2.


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CA: Local journalist wins Freedom of Information Award

When Thadeus Greenson first started investigating a story about the Eureka Police Department, he had no idea what trials he’d face when trying to access information through a video of an officer who arrested a minor.

Greenson, who’s covered the case since 2013, first as a reporter for the Times-Standard and later as the editor of the North Coast Journal, filed an August 2014 request for the arrest video under the California Public Records Act.


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KS: Court says company running public hospital subject to Open Records Act

The Kansas Court of Appeals said Friday that financial records of a county-owned hospital are subject to the Kansas Open Records Act, even if the hospital is administered on contract by an outside nonprofit corporation.

The case involved the Kiowa County Memorial Hospital in Greensburg. In 2001, the hospital's board signed a lease agreement with Great Plains of Kiowa County Inc. to administer the hospital.


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VTDigger Takes Open Records Fight From Court To The Legislature

VTDigger, the non-profit news organization based in Montpelier, has dropped its legal campaign to force state officials to disclose records about how the state managed its oversight of the federal EB-5 foreign investment program.

Now the organization’s founder says she plans to advocate for a change to state law that would make records more accessible to the public.


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Scott Ellis wins Freedom of Information award from Florida First Amendment Foundation

The Florida First Amendment Foundation has awarded Brevard County Clerk of Courts Scott Ellis its top award for his battle with the Economic Development Commission of Florida's Space Coast to ensure the EDC complied with Florida's public records laws.

The Tallahassee-based foundation cited Ellis' "tenacious struggle to obtain records" from the EDC in giving him the Pete Weitzel/Friend of the First Amendment Award.


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Kansas City Shares Data Collected by “Smart” Corridor

Since Kansas City unveiled a “smart” streetcar system last year, the city’s all-connected infrastructure has made it into something of a test lab for hopes — and fears — about the Internet of Things. Yesterday, the Missouri city shared its first compilation of data with a number of city and national leaders, hoping to help not just municipalities but also the federal government set “standards and best practices for big data use,” according to a press release.


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