NFOIC Member and Supporter Badges

By placing NFOIC’s Web badge on your site, you are indicating that you are a member of NFOIC and support its mission to protect our right to open government.When a user clicks on the badge, they will be directed to the NFOIC site where they can find useful information regarding transparency, open government and resources according to specific state’s Freedom of Information laws.

To upload the badge on your site, simply select the code of the NFOIC Badge that you would like to appear on your site, and then right click your mouse and choose "copy" or press Control + C on your keyboard. Paste the code on your site where you want the badge to appear.

National Freedom of Information Coalition, supporting transparency and open government.


For a vertical badge, add this code to your page, right where you want the button to appear:

<a href=""><img src=" " alt=" National Freedom of Information Coalition, supporting transparency and open government." ></a>


National Freedom of Information Coalition, supporting transparency and open government.
For a smaller version of the vertical badge with the National Freedom of Information Coalition text included, add this code to your page, right where you want the button to appear:

<a href=""><img src=" " alt="National Freedom of Information Coalition, supporting transparency and open government." ></a>

National Freedom of Information Coalition, supporting transparency and open government.

For a horizontal badge with the National Freedom of Information Coalition text included, add this code to your page, right where you want the button to appear:

<a href=""><img src=" " alt="National Freedom of Information Coalition, supporting transparency and open government." ></a>