COLUMN: ‘We’ need a grassroots push in SC to get the FOI ‘Act’ together

The pulpit is calling. It’s time do a little preaching. The subject isn’t fresh. The spin is different. The old sermon is about FOI. The new message is about FYI. For your information, FOI stands for Freedom of Information. Hopefully, that is not new information. For your information, FOI is information for you.

You thought it was for journalists? You thought wrong. FOI and FYI should be blended into something that you need to grasp: freedom of your information. FOYI. We think of ourselves as bulldogs. Our mission is to protect you from ignorant or deceptive and even devious public bodies. We make a lot of noise when sunshine laws are trampled upon.

We need to do a better job of inspiring citizens — you — to make noise. Whimpers are better than silence, but shouts are needed to make a difference. Bark. Growl. Show your teeth. Be ready to bite at the ballot box. We need to unite. “We” should be journalists and citizens. Rather, citizens and journalists. Without more of a grassroots push for FOI reform, government could run amok. Continue>>>