Tony Clement — champion of open government?

Now — from the minister who saved the government $15 billion without telling Parliament what he cut; the policy-maker who eliminated Canada's information-laden census and chopped Statistics Canada's budget by $30 million; the MP who siphoned $50 million out of a border security fund to build band shells and gazebos in his riding — comes Tony Clement's latest initiative: a "new action plan on open government."

The Treasury Board president proudly announced this week he has prepared a draft policy "to increase openness and transparency in government." He is inviting the public to comment.It will come as a surprise to most Canadians that a government known for its secrecy and obfuscation is "committed to fostering the principles of open government."

It will astonish political observers that the Tories, who have systematically shut down Ottawa's channels of communication "seek to engage citizens in a public dialogue that will inform the policy creation process." Continue>>>